Battle Corps Rangers 2/21/13

I started these guys back in 2006 or 2007, but never got around to finishing them. I had originally planned on adding camo, but I despise painting it, hence they were never finished.

The original concept is built around the unproduced Battle Corps Rangers from 1995. The line would’ve contained new versions of Flint and Footloose, with a repainted Duke.

I based this group on the team from Predator, just to give this project scope.

Flint: Warrant Officer
The unproduced Flint had schematic art and a prototype sculpt. The art had Hardball legs, while the sculpt had Lamprey. I felt that Hardball was much more fitting.

Footloose: Grenadier
Footloose had a new head and torso, and more than likely had Dusty arms. Not sure about the waist and legs, so gave him Dusty for those as well.

Duke: Sergeant
Battle Ranger Duke would have been a green and black repaint of his 1993 figure. I went a little different direction here, wanting to have a removable helmet. Since I used his arms for Flint, I used the Leatherneck arms for Duke.

Spirit: Tracker
Spirit was an easy inclusion based on Billy from Predator. This sculpt is a little skinny, but really suffered from it’s original colors.

Roadblock: Automatic Rifleman
I went with the Dusty torso in black here to give him a similar feel to everyone’s favorite tobacco chewing mini-gunner Blaine.

Repeater: Automatic Rifleman
Repeater had to be added because his hat said Ranger, and I needed another machine gunner. I’ve painted several Repeaters in the past, and it’s just a testament how great his sculpt is, because it looks great anyway you paint it.

Stalker: Radioman
This is my favorite of the bunch. Really surprised how well the torso works when used in this context. Since Stalker carried the radiopack in Vietnam, I felt it worked here. He’s my Swiss army knife of the group, carrying the radio, but also serving as medic and interpreter.

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